Tag: Kurdistan

  • At a Loss in the Land of Nimrod

    At a Loss in the Land of Nimrod

    The prostitute fidgeted uncomfortably beside me, her knee brushing mine, a glass of tea, and a cigarette in the same hand. The sound of the police radio a constant crackle of an unintelligible code, the chaotic room bathed in neon blue as another squad car passed the tiny window. I took another deep breath and…

  • Hasankeyf; The soon to be lost city in Anatolia

    Hasankeyf; The soon to be lost city in Anatolia

    God spoke to Noah commanding him to save his family, build an Ark and take the animals – the flood was coming, Earth needed to be cleansed. The well-known story is related in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and finding the Ark and proving the story true an eternal quest. Noah reputedly hailed from Mesopotamia, and…

  • Kurdistan-The Other Iraq

    To accommodate the region’s newly wealthy, New Urbanist-style gated communities have been built with aspirational names like Dream City and American Village. Left, a man waters his Kurdistan-shaped garden in his complex, named English Village. New York Times Slide Show By John Wreford Click image to view.

  • Proud Men On A Kurdish Mountain

    Like lords of the manor the old men surveyed the landscape stretched out beyond, down in the valley the lights of Dohuk starting to flicker in the fading light of dusk, the mountains of Kurdistan scene of sanctuary and sacrifice, proud men, we are friends on the mountain.